You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

297 lines
7.7 KiB

package caddyhugo
import (
преди 7 години
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преди 7 години
func TestEdits(t *testing.T) {
w := NewWorld(t)
defer w.Clean()
преди 7 години
const title = "sometitle"
преди 7 години
var (
mtx sync.Mutex
преди 7 години
преди 7 години
contentPath = path.Join("content", title+".md")
// we will send these to the doc
send = []acedoc.Delta{
acedoc.Insert(0, 0, "hello"),
acedoc.Insert(0, 5, " world"),
acedoc.Insert(0, 11, " world"),
// we will use this to track what we get out of the doc
received = []acedoc.Delta{}
// prepare a new post
w.CH.NewContent(title, "")
преди 7 години
преди 7 години
// start an edit session
преди 7 години
es, err := w.CH.editSession(contentPath)
преди 7 години
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error creating document client:", err)
преди 7 години
// register a client that we will use to push the deltas. we dont need
// to actually do anything to receive deltas here, though.
c := es.doc.Client(acedoc.DeltaHandlerFunc(func(ds []acedoc.Delta) error {
return nil
// register an *extra* client that just adds to the received delta
// slice we're tracking
es.doc.Client(acedoc.DeltaHandlerFunc(func(ds []acedoc.Delta) error {
преди 7 години
defer mtx.Unlock()
received = append(received, ds...)
return nil
преди 7 години
// make sure we have an edit session
преди 7 години
_, ok := w.CH.hasEditSession(contentPath)
преди 7 години
if !ok {
t.Fatal("expected there to be an established client")
преди 7 години
// push the deltas
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преди 7 години
// wait...
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<-time.After(5 * time.Second)
преди 7 години
// be sure we got the correct number of deltas back
defer mtx.Unlock()
преди 7 години
if len(received) != len(send) {
t.Errorf("expected %d deltas, received %d; expected: %v, received: %v", len(send), len(received), send, received)
func TestDeltasSingle(t *testing.T) {
w := NewWorld(t)
defer w.Clean()
const title = "test"
_, err := w.CH.NewContent(title, "")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("couldn't create new content:", err)
client := new(WebsocketTester)
преди 7 години
es, err := w.CH.editSession("content/" + title + ".md")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("couldn't establish docref for client 0:", err)
преди 7 години
go w.CH.handleDeltaConn(client, es)
a := acedoc.Insert(0, 0, "a")
// pretend to get one sent from the "browser"
// wait to make sure it was processed
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
// we shouldn't have written back to the client,
преди 7 години
// so we expect to have written 0 *deltas*. (we may have written
// empty messages without deltas because of the pings to the client)
if len(client.wroteDeltas) != 0 {
t.Errorf("client wrote %d deltas, should have written %d", len(client.wroteMessages), 0)
преди 7 години
t.Logf("%v", client.wroteMessages)
// we received one, so make sure that's counted properly
if len(client.received) != 1 {
t.Errorf("client has %d messages, should have received %d", len(client.received), 1)
func TestDeltasDouble(t *testing.T) {
w := NewWorld(t)
defer w.Clean()
const title = "test"
_, err := w.CH.NewContent(title, "")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("couldn't create new content:", err)
clientA := new(WebsocketTester)
clientB := new(WebsocketTester)
преди 7 години
doc, err := w.CH.editSession("content/" + title + ".md")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("couldn't establish docref for client 0:", err)
преди 7 години
go w.CH.handleDeltaConn(clientA, doc)
go w.CH.handleDeltaConn(clientB, doc)
// send the first message, simulating the browser on clientA
clientA.ReceiveJSON(w.CH.Message(acedoc.Insert(0, 0, "a")))
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// so we expect clientA to have written 0 messages, and
// clientB to have written 1
преди 7 години
if len(clientA.wroteDeltas) != 0 || len(clientB.wroteDeltas) != 1 {
t.Errorf("clientA wrote %d messages, should have written 0. clientB wrote %d, should have written 1", len(clientA.wroteMessages), len(clientB.wroteMessages))
// we received one via clientA and zero via clientB, so make sure
// that's counted properly
if len(clientA.received) != 1 || len(clientB.received) != 0 {
t.Errorf("clientA has %d messages, should have received 1; clientB has %d messages, should have received 0", len(clientA.received), len(clientB.received))
// send the second message, via clientB
clientB.ReceiveJSON(w.CH.Message(acedoc.Insert(0, 0, "b")))
time.Sleep(400 * time.Millisecond)
преди 7 години
// so we expect clientA to have written 1 delta this time, and
// clientB to have written nothing new, so 1 still
преди 7 години
if len(clientA.wroteDeltas) != 1 || len(clientB.wroteDeltas) != 1 {
t.Errorf("clientA wrote %d messages, should have written 1. clientB wrote %d, should have written 1 (just from before)", len(clientA.wroteMessages), len(clientB.wroteMessages))
// we received zero (new) via clientA and one via clientB, so make sure
// that's counted properly
if len(clientA.received) != 1 || len(clientB.received) != 1 {
t.Errorf("clientA has %d messages, should have received 1; clientB has %d messages, should have received 1", len(clientA.received), len(clientB.received))
func TestDeltasMulti(t *testing.T) {
w := NewWorld(t)
defer w.Clean()
const title = "test"
_, err := w.CH.NewContent(title, "")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("couldn't create new content:", err)
clients := []*WebsocketTester{{}, {}, {}}
преди 7 години
doc, err := w.CH.editSession("content/" + title + ".md")
if err != nil {
преди 7 години
t.Fatal("couldn't establish edit session:", err)
преди 7 години
go w.CH.handleDeltaConn(clients[0], doc)
go w.CH.handleDeltaConn(clients[1], doc)
go w.CH.handleDeltaConn(clients[2], doc)
преди 7 години
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
a := acedoc.Insert(0, 0, "a")
b := acedoc.Insert(0, 0, "b")
c := acedoc.Insert(0, 0, "c")
преди 7 години
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
for i, client := range clients {
преди 7 години
// all clients should have "written" 2 deltas out to their "browser"
// that came from the other clients
if len(client.wroteDeltas) != 2 {
t.Errorf("client %d wrote %d deltas, should have written 2", i, len(client.wroteDeltas))
// all clients "received" 1 message from the "browser"
if len(client.received) != 1 {
t.Errorf("client %d has %d messages, should have received 1", i, len(client.received))
преди 7 години
func TestPagesInPagesOut(t *testing.T) {
w := NewWorld(t)
defer w.Clean()
// check there's no content at first
c, err := GetContent(w.BlogFolder, w.CH.HugoSites)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't get content from a blank test environment: %v", err)
if len(c) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected a blank test environment, but saw %d pages", len(c))
преди 7 години
titles := []string{
"TEST 2!!",
преди 7 години
found := map[string]bool{}
// create some known content
for i, title := range titles {
w.CH.NewContent(title, "")
c, err = GetContent(w.BlogFolder, w.CH.HugoSites)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't get content from the test environment: %v", err)
if len(c)-1 != i {
t.Fatalf("expected %d page, but saw %d pages", i+1, len(c))
преди 7 години
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преди 7 години
// make sure we get the content out that we just created
преди 7 години
c, err = GetContent(w.BlogFolder, w.CH.HugoSites)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't get content from the test environment: %v", err)
преди 7 години
for _, content := range c {
if content.Metadata == nil {
t.Errorf("didn't see metadata for %q", content.Filename)
преди 7 години
found[content.Filename] = true
var missingSomething bool
for _, title := range titles {
adjusted := path.Join("content", docname(title)+".md")
if !found[adjusted] {
missingSomething = true
t.Errorf("expected to find title %q, but didn't see it", adjusted)
if missingSomething {
t.Logf("found titles: %v", found)
преди 7 години