You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

96 lines
1.8 KiB

package caddyhugo
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
func init() {
plugin := CaddyHugo{}
// register a "generic" plugin, like a directive or middleware
caddy.RegisterPlugin("hugo", caddy.Plugin{
ServerType: "http",
Action: plugin.SetupCaddy,
// ... there are others. See the godoc.
type CaddyHugo struct {
ServerType string
Site *httpserver.SiteConfig
HugoSites *hugolib.HugoSites
HugoCfg *deps.DepsCfg
Dir string
Media *MediaSource
docs map[string]*docref
mtx sync.Mutex
authorTmpl, adminTmpl, editTmpl *template.Template
ltime uint64
func (ch *CaddyHugo) Build() error {
err := ch.HugoSites.Build(hugolib.BuildCfg{ResetState: true})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error building hugo sites: %v", err)
return nil
func (ch CaddyHugo) BasePath() string {
return "/hugo"
func docname(orig string) string {
orig = strings.Replace(orig, " ", "-", -1)
return strings.ToLower(orig)
func (ch *CaddyHugo) docFilename(orig string) string {
return filepath.Join(ch.Dir, docname(orig))
func (ch *CaddyHugo) Publish() error {
cmd := exec.Command("hugo")
cmd.Dir = ch.Dir
_, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (ch CaddyHugo) TmplData(r *http.Request, docref *docref) interface{} {
var doc *acedoc.Document
if docref != nil {
doc = docref.doc
if ch.HugoSites != nil && ch.HugoSites.Fs != nil {
ch.HugoSites.Cfg.Set("buildDrafts", true)
ch.HugoSites.Fs.Destination = afero.NewMemMapFs()
return tmplData{ch.Site, r, ch, doc, docref}