You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package idleshut
import (
func TestFlow(t *testing.T) {
p := New(Config{})
if p.Running() {
t.Fatal("running when first started")
_ = p.Start()
if !p.Running() {
t.Fatal("should be running when started")
_ = p.Stop()
if p.Running() {
t.Fatal("running after stopped")
func TestTicking(t *testing.T) {
var idleTicksNonPtr uint32
var idleTicks = &idleTicksNonPtr
p := New(Config{
Tick: 10 * time.Millisecond,
MaxIdleTicks: 10,
IdleTick: func() error {
atomic.AddUint32(idleTicks, 1)
return nil
IdleProcessError: func(err error) {
t.Fatal("got an idle process error:", err)
// initial start
_ = p.Start()
if !p.Running() {
t.Fatal("should be running when started")
// use up all the ticks right away
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
if atomic.LoadUint32(idleTicks) != 10 {
t.Fatal("should have seen 10 idle ticks, which fits into MaxIdleTicks, saw", idleTicks)
if p.Running() {
t.Fatal("should be expired from idle ticks")
// reset the ticks, but dont restart the process
atomic.StoreUint32(idleTicks, 0)
time.Sleep(130 * time.Millisecond)
if atomic.LoadUint32(idleTicks) != 0 {
t.Fatal("should have seen 0 idle ticks with no process running, saw", idleTicks)
_ = p.Start()
if !p.Running() {
t.Fatal("should be running when started again")
time.Sleep(31 * time.Millisecond)
if saw := atomic.LoadUint32(idleTicks); saw != 3 {
t.Fatal("should have seen 3 idle ticks, saw", saw)
time.Sleep(110 * time.Millisecond)
if saw := atomic.LoadUint32(idleTicks); saw != 13 {
t.Fatal("should have seen 13 idle ticks since we touched the process partway through, saw", saw)
// reset the ticks and restart the process
atomic.StoreUint32(idleTicks, 0)
_ = p.Start()
if g := p.generation(); g != 3 {
t.Fatal("we've started 3 times, but saw we counted to generation", g)