initial commit of the idleshut package

Stephen Searles 7 years ago
commit 955d2fa7e7
  1. 176
  2. 90

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
// Package idleshut provides a lifecycle and idletime management tool.
package idleshut
import (
// Config are the options for creating a new process
type Config struct {
// Start is called by Process.Start. If an error is returned,
// starting the process is aborted.
Start func() error
// Stop is called by Process.Stop. If an error is returned,
// stopping the process is aborted.
Stop func() error
// IdleTick is called by Process for every iteration of Tick. If
// an error is returned, it is sent to IdleProcessError. IdleTick
// and IdleProcessError must both be set or unset; mixed set-edness
// will result in a panic.
IdleTick func() error
IdleProcessError func(error)
Tick time.Duration
// MaxIdleTicks, if nonzero and ticking is configured, will cause
// the process to stop once the maximum number of ticks has been
// reached.
MaxIdleTicks uint
func (cfg Config) validate() {
allSet := cfg.IdleTick == nil && cfg.IdleProcessError == nil && cfg.Tick == 0
noneSet := cfg.IdleTick != nil && cfg.IdleProcessError != nil && cfg.Tick != 0
if !allSet && !noneSet {
panic("idleshut: Config.IdleTick, config.IdleProcessError, and config.Tick must all be set or all be unset")
// New returns a new Process with the given configuration.
func New(cfg Config) *Process {
return &Process{cfg: cfg}
// Process is a lifecycle and idle process monitor.
type Process struct {
cfg Config
mtx sync.Mutex
started time.Time
stopped time.Time
running bool
touched bool
idleTicks uint
currentGeneration uint
// Touch resets the idle timer to zero.
func (p *Process) Touch() bool {
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
p.idleTicks = 0
p.touched = true
return p.running
// Start initiates the process.
func (p *Process) Start() error {
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
if !p.running {
var err error
if p.cfg.Start != nil {
err = p.cfg.Start()
if err != nil {
return err
p.running = true
p.started = time.Now()
go p.startTicker()
return nil
// Running returns true if the process is currently running.
func (p *Process) Running() bool {
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
return p.running
func (p *Process) generation() uint {
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
return p.currentGeneration
func (p *Process) startTicker() {
if p.cfg.Tick == 0 || p.cfg.IdleTick == nil {
startingGen := p.generation()
tk := time.NewTicker(p.cfg.Tick)
for {
// if we stopped running, or we started again and thus the geneneration has advanced, return
if !p.Running() || p.generation() != startingGen {
func() {
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
if p.touched {
p.idleTicks = 0
p.touched = false //reset
} else {
if p.cfg.IdleTick != nil {
if p.idleTicks >= p.cfg.MaxIdleTicks {
func (p *Process) idleProcessError(err error) {
if err != nil && p.cfg.IdleProcessError != nil {
go p.cfg.IdleProcessError(err)
// Stop halts the process.
func (p *Process) Stop() error {
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
if p.running {
return p.stopWithLock()
return nil
func (p *Process) stopWithLock() error {
var err error
if p.cfg.Stop != nil {
err = p.cfg.Stop()
if err != nil {
return err
p.idleTicks = 0
p.running = false
p.stopped = time.Now()
return nil

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
package idleshut
import (
func TestFlow(t *testing.T) {
p := New(Config{})
if p.Running() {
t.Fatal("running when first started")
_ = p.Start()
if !p.Running() {
t.Fatal("should be running when started")
_ = p.Stop()
if p.Running() {
t.Fatal("running after stopped")
func TestTicking(t *testing.T) {
var idleTicksNonPtr uint32
var idleTicks = &idleTicksNonPtr
p := New(Config{
Tick: 10 * time.Millisecond,
MaxIdleTicks: 10,
IdleTick: func() error {
atomic.AddUint32(idleTicks, 1)
return nil
IdleProcessError: func(err error) {
t.Fatal("got an idle process error:", err)
// initial start
_ = p.Start()
if !p.Running() {
t.Fatal("should be running when started")
// use up all the ticks right away
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
if atomic.LoadUint32(idleTicks) != 10 {
t.Fatal("should have seen 10 idle ticks, which fits into MaxIdleTicks, saw", idleTicks)
if p.Running() {
t.Fatal("should be expired from idle ticks")
// reset the ticks, but dont restart the process
atomic.StoreUint32(idleTicks, 0)
time.Sleep(130 * time.Millisecond)
if atomic.LoadUint32(idleTicks) != 0 {
t.Fatal("should have seen 0 idle ticks with no process running, saw", idleTicks)
_ = p.Start()
if !p.Running() {
t.Fatal("should be running when started again")
time.Sleep(31 * time.Millisecond)
if saw := atomic.LoadUint32(idleTicks); saw != 3 {
t.Fatal("should have seen 3 idle ticks, saw", saw)
time.Sleep(110 * time.Millisecond)
if saw := atomic.LoadUint32(idleTicks); saw != 13 {
t.Fatal("should have seen 13 idle ticks since we touched the process partway through, saw", saw)
// reset the ticks and restart the process
atomic.StoreUint32(idleTicks, 0)
_ = p.Start()
if g := p.generation(); g != 3 {
t.Fatal("we've started 3 times, but saw we counted to generation", g)