initial commit

Stephen Searles 9 years ago
commit e177a9b22a
  1. 137
  2. 159


@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
Package log implements logging with two levels: info and debug. This distillation implements Dave Cheney's
recommendation in his blog post, "Let's talk about logging" [1]. The methods provided are intended to mimic
the most useful parts of the fmt and log standard packages.
The easiest way to use this package is to just call the top-level Print-ish and Debug-ish functions. If you
need to write to another writer than Stdout, replace Default:
log.Default = log.Writer(myWriter, "[DEBUG]", "[INFO]")
If you want to, say, write to two files for the two levels, implement Interface. For an example, see how
the Writer function is implemented.
package log
import (
var (
// Stdout is os.Stdout wrapped as an Interface.
Stdout = Writer(os.Stdout, "[debug]", "[info]")
// Default is a Log that writes to Stdout.
Default = Log{Stdout}
// Print writes to the default logger. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Sprint.
func Print(v ...interface{}) {
// Printf writes to the default logger. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Sprintf.
func Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
Default.Print(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
// Println writes to the default logger. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Sprintln.
func Println(v ...interface{}) {
// Debug writes to the default logger. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Sprint.
func Debug(v ...interface{}) {
// Debugf writes to the default logger. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Sprintf.
func Debugf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
Default.Debug(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
// Debugln writes to the default logger. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Sprintln.
func Debugln(v ...interface{}) {
// Log provides standard logging methods from a custom Interface. The zero value
// uses Stdout.
type Log struct {
// Print writes to l.Interface, or Stdout if l.Interface is nil. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Sprint.
func (l Log) Print(v ...interface{}) {
// Printf writes to l.Interface, or Stdout if l.Interface is nil. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Sprintf.
func (l Log) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
validInterface(l.Interface).Print(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
// Println writes to l.Interface, or Stdout if l.Interface is nil. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Sprintln.
func (l Log) Println(v ...interface{}) {
// Debug writes to l.Interface, or Stdout if l.Interface is nil. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Sprint.
func (l Log) Debug(v ...interface{}) {
// Debugf writes to l.Interface, or Stdout if l.Interface is nil. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Sprintf.
func (l Log) Debugf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
validInterface(l.Interface).Debug(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
// Debugln writes to l.Interface, or Stdout if l.Interface is nil. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Sprintln.
func (l Log) Debugln(v ...interface{}) {
// validInterface checks if i is nil. If it is, this returns
// Stdout, otherwise it returns i.
func validInterface(i Interface) Interface {
if i == nil {
return Stdout
return i
// Interface is the set of methods implemented by custom loggers for outputting data. An implementation
// of Interface could, for instance, write Debug messages to a file and send Print statements both to a
// file and to an IRC channel.
type Interface interface {
Print(s string)
Debug(s string)
// Writer returns an Interface with the given debug and info prefixes that
// write to w.
func Writer(w io.Writer, debug, info string) Interface {
return writerInterface{
debug: debug,
info: info,
w: w,
type writerInterface struct {
debug, info string
w io.Writer
func (w writerInterface) Print(v string) {
fmt.Fprint(w.w,, v)
func (w writerInterface) Debug(v string) {
fmt.Fprint(w.w, w.debug, v)

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
# log
import ""
Package log implements logging with two levels: info and debug. This
distillation implements Dave Cheney's recommendation in his blog post, "Let's
talk about logging" [1]. The methods provided are intended to mimic the most
useful parts of the fmt and log standard packages.
The easiest way to use this package is to just call the top-level Print-ish and
Debug-ish functions. If you need to write to another writer than Stdout, replace
log.Default = log.Writer(myWriter, "[DEBUG]", "[INFO]")
If you want to, say, write to two files for the two levels, implement Interface.
For an example, see how the Writer function is implemented.
## Usage
var (
// Stdout is os.Stdout wrapped as an Interface.
Stdout = Writer(os.Stdout, "[debug]", "[info]")
// Default is a Log that writes to Stdout.
Default = Log{Stdout}
#### func Debug
func Debug(v ...interface{})
Debug writes to the default logger. Arguments are handled in the manner of
#### func Debugf
func Debugf(format string, v ...interface{})
Debugf writes to the default logger. Arguments are handled in the manner of
#### func Debugln
func Debugln(v ...interface{})
Debugln writes to the default logger. Arguments are handled in the manner of
#### func Print
func Print(v ...interface{})
Print writes to the default logger. Arguments are handled in the manner of
#### func Printf
func Printf(format string, v ...interface{})
Printf writes to the default logger. Arguments are handled in the manner of
#### func Println
func Println(v ...interface{})
Println writes to the default logger. Arguments are handled in the manner of
#### type Interface
type Interface interface {
Print(s string)
Debug(s string)
Interface is the set of methods implemented by custom loggers for outputting
data. An implementation of Interface could, for instance, write Debug messages
to a file and send Print statements both to a file and to an IRC channel.
#### func Writer
func Writer(w io.Writer, debug, info string) Interface
Writer returns an Interface with the given debug and info prefixes that write to
#### type Log
type Log struct {
Log provides standard logging methods from a custom Interface. The zero value
uses Stdout.
#### func (Log) Debug
func (l Log) Debug(v ...interface{})
Debug writes to l.Interface, or Stdout if l.Interface is nil. Arguments are
handled in the manner of fmt.Sprint.
#### func (Log) Debugf
func (l Log) Debugf(format string, v ...interface{})
Debugf writes to l.Interface, or Stdout if l.Interface is nil. Arguments are
handled in the manner of fmt.Sprintf.
#### func (Log) Debugln
func (l Log) Debugln(v ...interface{})
Debugln writes to l.Interface, or Stdout if l.Interface is nil. Arguments are
handled in the manner of fmt.Sprintln.
#### func (Log) Print
func (l Log) Print(v ...interface{})
Print writes to l.Interface, or Stdout if l.Interface is nil. Arguments are
handled in the manner of fmt.Sprint.
#### func (Log) Printf
func (l Log) Printf(format string, v ...interface{})
Printf writes to l.Interface, or Stdout if l.Interface is nil. Arguments are
handled in the manner of fmt.Sprintf.
#### func (Log) Println
func (l Log) Println(v ...interface{})
Println writes to l.Interface, or Stdout if l.Interface is nil. Arguments are
handled in the manner of fmt.Sprintln.